Saturday, March 20, 2010

Can't Wait!

Muraho friends!

So Lisa has gently reminded me that I need to be posting on our blog :) Sooo...FINALLY I have a moment to sit and type a little bit. I too am very excited to be going back to Rwanda for what amazingly will be my 6th trip. I feel so blessed and slightly unworthy to be given the opportunity once again to travel to the country that has truly stolen my heart! Lisa and I talk about the trip almost everyday and keep saying, "I want to be there now!" We are excited to see the details of the trip and our mission upon arriving in Kigali unfold over the next couple of months. We have even been trying to brush up on our Kinyarwandan, the native language. As I reflect on past trips and think about this one, God has made it clear that now is the time to truly press into Him and seek his purposes and desires for this mission. One of our prayer needs would first and foremost be that Lisa and I would long to see God be glorified and to see His kingdom grow in all that we do before, during and after our time in Africa. It is easy at this point to get caught up in the excitement of preparations and also the business of life in the U.S. Please pray that God will be in the midst of the details and planning stage and that He will begin to prepare our hearts and those of the Rwandese people we have been given the job to love and serve. Lisa and I both believe that prayer is what will drive the trip and we cannot begin to prepare without it. We thank all of you who have shared your excitement and support for us, we feel tremendously blessed by each of you!
Imana igue umagisha (God bless you),
Melissa :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

T-shirts are in!!!

We are selling t-shirts for $25! All the money we raise from the t-shirts will go to help those in Rwanda while we are there. When we have been there in the past there were times we were able to help different church's and school's by providing them with the funds to provide a roof for a church and for one school we were able to provide them with concrete for their flooring. So it's things like that, that we are hoping to do again with the money we are raising from selling the t-shirts! If you would like one, let us know! We are out of small's but have some medium, large's and x-larges left. p.s. they are SUPER soft! :) so even if we don't have your size you can totally still wear it to bed! It's THAT comfortable!

So...I work with some pretty fabulous people (in the top right corner)! They have all been so supportive and encouraging and as you can see...all bought a t-shirt!
I have been pretty overwhelmed by the support that has already been shown to Melissa and I and for our trip to Africa, and by some people that I don't even know who have bought a t-shirt just because they want to support us or telling us that they will daily be praying for us and by friends who live states away. It's so awesome and so encouraging to know that people are already praying for us and our time in Rwanda. So thank you to all of you who have already bought a t-shirt or have already started praying for us!

Ok, I think that's it for now! Just wanted to let you all know about the t-shirts!
